Archive | January, 2013

Perfect Occupation by the Oppressed

12 Jan

There is massive abuse in prisons and we should support any occupation by prisoners to improve their conditions. There is huge abuse in mental hospitals against patients and we should sport any occupation by mental patients to improve their conditions. Same thing is for homeless people like Sandy victims. We should support any occupation of the FEMA or of Congress building by homeless victims to improve their conditions. Same goes for drug addicts who are abused by the system. We should support any occupation of the Courts, prisons or of Congress building by dry addicts to improve their conditions.

If these same people come to Zuccotti park and start an occupation we should support them. We should encourage more mentally ills, more criminals, more addicts, more homeless join the occupation. This is their demonstration of their own reality. No need for a leader, no need for a list of demands, no need for a worry to make a good image on the media. Their reality is their demonstration. Their plain and simple life is all we need to show and encourage all the oppressed join in that occupation.

I am looking for this kind of occupation everyday. I hope that this time bourgeois control freaks do not come and destroy it by evicting those real oppressed people from the park. When they did not have enough force they collaborated with the 1% and their private armies nypd and the media to destroy real occupation. Real occupation belongs to real oppressed people. It has nothing to do with clean looking freaks of bourgeois.