Tag Archives: frank van harmelen

I officially contacted the European Union’s LarKC Large Knowledge Project now

21 Aug

Hi All, I am trying to find technical and financial partners. Therefore, I contacted the European Union’s LarKC Large Knowledge Collider Project executives in Europe. I am hoping to find some help to transform current internet search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing into a intelligent automatic search engine. Here is what I just did today. I sent the following email to the LarKC executives. I put the copies of my email message and LarKC contact info for your info. Please advise for any help. Best. Rocky Recai Iskender


2011 August « answer engine   Reply |Rocky Iskender

to dieter.fensel,



show details 4:29 PM (5 minutes ago)

Hi, My passion is to build the internet explanation engine. I watched some of your video lectures and studied some online info. I think LarKC offers a solution for my dream. But I do not know how. I need your help. Can you please look at my blog and coach/help me. Best, Rocky


The following people can be contacted for different aspects of the LarKC project. For contact information related to technical issues with using the LarKC platform see early adopters.

Dieter Fensel (Project Coordinator)

Dieter Fensel, STI Innsbruck, Universitaet Innsbruck

STI Innsbruck, Universität Innsbruck
Frank van Harmelen (Scientific Director)

Frank van Harmelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Michael Witbrock (Technical Director)

Michael Witbrock, Cyc Europe

Cyc Europe
Alice Carpentier (Project Manager)

Alice Carpentier, STI Innsbruck, Universität Innsbruck

STI Innsbruck, Universität Innsbruck